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Official blog for the goings on of the art collective; Pseudonyms.
All aspects of art come under our wing.
Whatever we create assumes our moniker.
Pseudonyms consists of Mr & Mrs. Sudo, We are Pseudonyms.
There is a tiered system within the organisation.
The PseudonymsFamily, are a collection of like-minded creators that we take under our wing. The PseudonymsFamily create things that we like enough to stamp with the Pseudo brand. We collaborate with these people.
PseudoSupport is for local artists, photographers, film-makers, musicians, writers and such like that we feel deserve to have their creations on display at our events.

Monday 10 May 2010

Thoughts on AVATAR.

Something unrelated to us:
I finally got round to watching JC's AVATAR at the weekend (a little but late)...
I have a few grumbles with it... considering all the hype it has received.
I've been thinking about this all day at work and need to point out the things that irritated me.
so just some niggles from the top of my head.


1. Cliched story... Humans are evil Aliens, be kind to the environment... we get it.

2. 2dimentional characters... any character development? no? ok.

3. Unobtainium? Really? ...sigh.

4. Plothole... Why do the Na'vi decide in the space of about 2 minutes to let the outsider learn all their ways, knowing full well that he is a 'dreamwalker' and a 'warrior'? Surely they know he will be reporting back... and they just give away all their secrets... they're not stupid. This was lazy writing to move the story along in my opinion.

5. Na'vi anatomy... ok, apparently they're not mammals... SO WHY THE FUCK DO THEY HAVE BELLY BUTTONS? AND TITS?! no shit here... JC actually said he gave them breasts to make them hotter... no logic.

6. Star Wars... I swear during the film there was actually a direct quote from Star Wars, can't remember the line exactly, but something about a link between all living things... THE FORCE!

7. Stupid American Marines... so tired of these character stereotypes...Gah.

8. WHEN WILL YOU DIE!?.. This film suffered from a severe case of invincible enemy syndrome, why wouldn't the marine guy die!? the bit where he jumped in the big mech suit and the ship was exploding... i looked over ay MrsSudo and just said 'That is silly'.

9. Michelle Rodriguez.

10. Deus Ex Machina... in the extreme... i lost count of these during the film. Conincidences dominated the final act. SHIT, SHE'S GONNA DIE - stampede dsaves the day. SHIT, SHE'S GONNA DIE AGAIN - Jake appears just in time. SHIT, HE'S GONNA DIE - she gets free just in time. SHIT, HE'S GONNA DIE AGAIN - she gets the oxygen mask on him just in time... yawn yawn yawn.

11. 'Signing Off'... How many films end with this line!!! cheeeeese.

12. Design issues... i'm a big fan of good creature design... and i admit there were some really awesome designs in this film... but it seemed to me that every creature was either... blue, had 4 arms, or was blue and had 4 arms.

13. Floating Mountains... doesn't make sense... what's the logic behind this, scientifically. JC created a 'Pandorapedia' apparently, of all the plants and wildlife, to make the world believable. He even gave them all latin and common names, everything was very scientifically explained, which i liked... so why put floating mountains in it? just cos they look cool ...sigh.

14. Unobtainium.... seriously!? ......siiiiiiiigh. (lame).

BUT, overall it was a visual treat, just very lacking in the story department. The world that was created was very interesting and vast. It was just very, very cheesy.
5/5 for visuals, 4/5 action, 1/5 for everything else.

a side note... How To Train Your Dragon... is genuinely the best film I've seen this year.

I know this blog is going to piss some people off.

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